Accordion Scroll
What you see below are three views each of two framed works of art. Each work is seen from straight on, from a point to the left of the piece, and from a point to the right of the piece. The works were constructed by hand and are made from cut up photographic prints, supported with a folded paper matrix. They bear resemblance to 19th century inventions that were precursors to motion pictures. These devices, called Zoetropes, relied on repetitive images affixed to a wheel and viewed by a stationary observer. In contrast my work is ‘animated’ by the motion of the viewer.
The necessity that the observer must be in motion to experience the kinetic effect of the accordion folded photographs introduces an ephemeral quality to the experience of viewing the works. When they are displayed, one observes that the works compel observers to physically move their body in order to perceive the work. This causes some disorientation and, it is hoped, poses a metaphor that prompts dialog about concepts of perspective, context, and perception.

Persephone at Aix-en-Provence, Paul R Solomon, 2009

Neve Tzedek, Paul R Solomon, 2009