Made in Italy
I found my way to Florence, Italy, when I was 20. I had a return ticket to the United States but very little money and certainly did not have a credit card. After sleeping in a field in Pisa and getting almost drowned in a violent thunderstorm, I began to hitchhike towards Rome.
An old man who spoke no English at all, stopped and gave me a lift. I had picked up a few words of Italian. This grandfather brought me to his home to share a midday pranzo with his wife and their granddaughter. It was one of the most memorable meals of my life. A bistecca fiorentina grilled on a fire, roasted potatoes with rosemary, tomatoes and basil from their garden, and a local red wine. Afterwards, he proudly showed me a nearby medieval tower. Last, he gave me some money so that I could buy a train ticket.
I’ve had countless remarkable experiences in Italy since then. Some of them quite dramatic. There was the week I was photographing scenic Italy for Alitalia Airlines in Sorrento, when an earthquake toppled buildings, killing some people. There was the time I was arrested in the Vatican with Father Guido Sarducci. Over and over however, it has been the kindness and generosity of people throughout Italy, who make me grateful that I stumbled into Florence a long time ago.
Florence: Festa della Liberazione parade marking the end of the Fascist regime.
Easter Sunday in Alghero, Sardinia
Orvieto Cathedral, Orvieto
Artisan in Pietrasanta.
Artisan in Pietrasanta, carving a copy of Michelangelo's David.
Comedian Don Novello, AKA Father Sarducci, prior to our arrest in the Vatican.
Comedian Don Novello, AKA Father Sarducci, prior to our arrest in the Vatican.
A buttero (cowboy) in the Maremma region
Parma, evaluating the profumo of Parmigiano Reggiano.
Province of Campania
Zucchini bouquet
Salento region of Puglia
Roman bust
The Pantheon, Rome
Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome
Castel del Monte, near Andria, Puglia